For those of you that don’t know by now, I am a mom to 3 beautiful children and am so fortunate to have a true partner and best friend in my husband Russ. Since day one we knew we wanted a family and we also knew that our children would always come first, it’s actually something we live
by. Connor, Brie and Aden are the joys and loves of our lives and by far this is my most important job in the world. Russ and I both pride ourselves in being hands on, 100% involved in everything our kids do and present…careful not to get lost in the daily translation of our busy lives.
Russ coaches our oldest son Connor in his sports endeavors and we both support each other every step of the way. The youngest of the bunch is Aden, he’s our baby boy and the “rose” among them all is our little girl Brie, Connor, of course being our first born and growing up way too fast! I spend most of my days volunteering at their schools during lunchtime. I am a room mom and love that my afternoons are consumed shuffling my kids from one place to another all in an effort to help these little angels grow into active, purposeful and kind human beings. Kids can teach you so much if you let them and I simply wanted to take a moment and let you know “the other side” of the woman behind the title. After all, this crew right here is exactly why I am who I am and they are the reason I get up and do all I can day after day. They make me want to be a better person and I want my kids to see their mom make a difference. What better reason is there than that? In my mind it doesn’t even require thought, it’s something all good parents just do.